It rained a pour delaying this wedding but not stopping it! The bride kept her wits and the groom waited patiently. In the end, you see the results. This was a sweet and happy occasion.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this day.
Here are a few shots taken in the hills--most of them. We went for 3.5 hours and saw life behind the tourism and it was amazing. People have so little. No running water. Kitchens are often outside. Many people live in one small home. You will notice a lady with a wreath of "whatever" around her neck. She lives in the tarp building. They call her the crazy lady. That wreath has a wig, a watch strap and so many other things she has collected for over 25 years. There is no door on she home. She just slips out from the ground to get out. This was an amazing experience and makes you thankful for the abundance we have, including a washer, dryer and indoor plumbing! The hands in this selection are 92 years old. He still rides his bike. Most do not retire here. One man was in his 90s and still cutting the cane.
These brides and their men dressed up again the day after the weddings and did some interesting and fun photos. We went to some sites in Mexico that gave us the scenery of this country and to the ocean!! There are a lot of photos here for those who could not join this party.
Thank you for having LOTS of fun and being great sports.